I have to admit, I am almost addicted to and definitely inspired by the blogs of other photographers. Almost daily I spend more time than I should scouring the internet for anything photography. On today's search I came across a super-cool project that I want to adopt over the upcoming year. On BigPictureClasses.com, Ali Edwards describes the concept behind "One Little Word":
A single word can be a powerful thing. It can be the ripple in the pond that changes everything. It can be sharp and biting or rich and soft and slow. From my own personal experience, it can be a catalyst for enriching your life.
In 2006, I began a tradition of choosing one word for myself each January — a word that I can focus on, mediate on, and reflect upon as I go about my daily life. My words have included play, peace, vitality, nurture, and story. These words have each become a part of my life in one way or another. They've been imbedded into who I am, and into who I'm becoming. They've been what I've needed (and didn't know I needed). They've helped me to breathe deeper, to see clearer, and to grow.
Completely inspired by this idea, I spent some time considering MY word for the year. I ran through long lists of potential words in my head as I thought about what I want to do and who I want to be in 2011. Now, to be honest, I don't know if this next part is cheesey or inspired, but as I stared blankly at my hands resting on my keyboard, I caught the setting sunlight reflecting off my wedding ring. And at that moment I found my word. My word for 2011 is:
Spar-kle (spärkl)
1. To give off sparks.
2. To give off or reflect flashes of light; glitter. See Synonyms at flash.
3. To be brilliant in performance.
a. To shine with animation: He has eyes that sparkle.
b. To flash with wit: Her conversation sparkled all evening.
5. To release gas bubbles; effervesce: Champagne sparkles.
To cause to flash and glitter: Sunlight was sparkling the waves.
1. A small spark or gleaming particle.
2. A glittering quality.
3. Brilliant animation; vivacity.
4. Emission of gas bubbles; effervescence.
I want to sparkle this year. I want to search out new ways to make my light shine. And I want to look for and bring out the sparkle in other people. And in addition to just personal reflection on these things throughout the year, I have decided to challenge myself to make this idea tangible by taking monthly photographs related to my word. Honestly, I can't wait!! I am very much looking forward to finding, living, photographing and sharing the sparkle throughout this year!!
That's a great Idea! I can't wait to see what you come up with.